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Ultimate Tricep Workouts For Strength

Many strength athletes think they are already training their triceps enough when handling heavy compound workouts such as bench press and military press. With those exercises, do you also handle the triceps? That's right, but if you seriously want bigger and stronger triceps, you can not escape training them separately. If you do this you will soon notice that you can make easier and presses with higher weight and that motivates!

What is important to know about the triceps?
If you look at other muscular men, then you are often the first to biceps, these are also a bit of the 'show' muscles of course. But did you know that the triceps determine the shape and volume of your arm for about 2/3? So if you want big arms, you have to develop the triceps well! How you do that, you read this article, regardless of whether you are a beginner or a real gym-hitter. After reading this article you know what about the anatomy of the triceps, how you can train them optimally and what the best triceps exercises are.

How often do you train the triceps per week?
Normally 1 good triceps training per week is enough. Actually, you just have to pay attention to getting your weekly volume for this muscle group. The weekly volume is the total of reps and weight that you train per week. Here goes the higher the weight, the fewer reps you can do per week. Otherwise, you risk overtraining.

Science and practical experience ultimately come to the same conclusions when it comes to training intensity and volume:
If you mainly train with heavy weights at> 85% of your 1 Repetition max, the optimal volume is approximately 65 reps every 6 days. This applies in principle to all muscle groups.
Although the above rule applies to almost all major muscle groups, I still want to make an exception for smaller muscle groups such as the biceps and triceps. These muscle groups you already train a lot with your heavy compound exercises. So if, for example, you do the bench press, you already burden the triceps heavily. Do you pull-ups, you put the biceps very heavy etc.

So if you train heavily with compound exercises you may spare the biceps and triceps. Instead of 65 reps per week, it may be slightly less, 35 reps are more than enough.

The 5 best and most effective tricep workouts
There are many possible triceps exercises in all shapes and sizes. Yet only a handful are really effective and you can train progressively. Below the top 5.

Close grip bench press
The close grip bench press is perhaps the best triceps exercise when you look at all the advantages over other triceps exercises. You can safely perform this exercise with heavy weights. You train your chest muscles at the same time and with your normal bench press, you also become stronger.

Triceps overhead extension
With this exercise, you mainly tackle the 'long head' of the triceps. You can also heavily weight this exercise. So a solid triceps exercise.

Triceps Dips
The triceps dips is a composite exercise. In this way, you mainly tackle your triceps, but also a part of the chest muscles and shoulders. Also, ideal exercise to weight down, use a so-called dip belt.

Lying tricep extension
A great triceps exercise, he is also called the 'Skullcrusher'. You mainly train with the 'medial head', so this exercise belongs in your triceps list at home. This exercise is also easy to increase. You can execute it with dumbbells, rods and even lose weight discs. A favorite, however, remains the EZ bar, with a more comfortable position of hands and wrists.

Triceps pushdown
The triceps pushdown is a very popular exercise and that is not for nothing. It is quick to set up and is easy to upgrade. This exercise can be performed with a normal bar, a V-bar or a rope.

Always ensure progress!
The above exercises are very effective, but it is certainly so important that you train progressively! So do not always stay at the same weight because remember:
If you change nothing, nothing will change
A good rule is that if you can make 6 repetitions of an exercise (strict style), you must add weight. Every time you repeat 6 repetitions, you add weight again etc. As you become stronger you will notice that you can add less and less weight, you will eventually reach your genetic limit (do not touch the anabolics!). Believe me, if you reach your genetic limit, you will look very good.

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