How Does Breathing Change During Exercise?
How does breathing change during exercise? Your nose is expertly designed for inspiration. It is coated with small hairs that filter dust and germs as we inhale. It also has mucous membranes that add warm and moisture to the air before sending it to your lungs. The nose also cleans itself by overlap of particles in mucous or sneezing to extinguish irritants. However, most people do the most of their breathing by mouth. This may seem easier to do especially during exercise, but doing so can actually lead to hyperventilate your body, losing energy are stressed. Try these nasal breathing techniques to help keep your breathing calm and balanced.
Step 1
Practice breathes through your nose and out of mouth before doing tiring exercise. Sit upright in a chair or crossed legs on the ground with your hands on your knees. Breathe deeply through your nose while closing your mouth. Then exhale by mouth. Continue with this exercise for a few minutes and repeat regularly before training and at other times to promote relaxation and energy.
Step 2
The practice of deep abdominal breathing can breathe through your nose during exercise as well as sleep. Put your back on a sturdy mat with your hands on your stomach. Breathe in through your nose so that your stomach rises and then decreases as you exhale through your mouth.
Step 3
Try alternative nasal breathing to correct the habits of breathing during the exercise. Sit upright on a sturdy chair or exercise on an exercise machines. Use the index finger or thumb of one hand to apply soft pressure to the side of one nostril to close it. Breathe in through the other, open nostril for about two seconds. Breathe through your mouth and repeat by inhaling with the other nostril. This exercise helps you get used to breathing through your nose instead of your mouth during work.
Do not inhale vigorously or too quickly. This can lead to hyperventilation and dizziness. If you have asthma, breathing exercises can help reduce the symptoms, however, it is important to consult a doctor or therapist to ensure that you exercise the breathing exercises correctly.
Before starting exercise, such as running or jogging, practice nasal breathing while doing other forms of exercise such as pilates, yoga or light weight lifting. If you breathe through your mouth while sleeping, your wake up feeling may be very thirsty and have a dry mouth. Consult your doctor about a chin strap so you can change your breathing habits. If you have snoring or sleep apnea, you may also need medical treatment before you can change your breathing.
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