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Workouts For The 'Chicken Fillets' (Triceps) Women

For many women (and men) it is a point of irritation, so swabbing piece at the back of the upper arms when you swing. To get these 'chicken fillets' tighter, it is important that you train the back of the upper arms (triceps). Today I give you a whole range of different exercises that are very focused on tackling that place!

Almost all women in the gym do exercises for this muscle. That gave me the idea to make an article. First, however, I want to help out a misunderstanding from the world. If you swing a relaxed upper arm, you will always keep a swabbing piece! Only when you tighten the muscle (for example by making a fist) while waving, can you judge whether there really is something to train. Muscles can also swab :). Now that we have this clear, we immediately continue with the exercises!

We start with the 'Dips'. You can do this exercise very well at home. Find an elevation (chair, bed edge, low table etc.) and support it with your hands. Point your fingers towards your buttocks and your buttocks stay close to your hands. Bag your elbows with your buttocks towards the floor and push again. Keep your shoulders low! Whatever this exercise might be, you'll see at the end ... ..

Then an 'Extension' while you lie on a bench. Grab a weight in your hands (dumbells, a disk, a rod, everything is fine!). Keep the weight in front of your chest, with your hands on shoulder width. Bend your elbows and let the weight go towards your forehead, keep your elbows pointing towards the ceiling! Then push it again. Make sure your back does not get hollow! (At least not more hot than he normally is) You do this by tightening your stomach.

You can also do this 'Extension' standing up. Grab a weight in your hands and hold it above your head. Place a leg in front and a back for a straighter back. Lower the weight to the back, even now keep your elbows pointing towards the ceiling. Push the weight back up. Keep your back right now!

With a dumbbell in your hand, you can do these 'Kickbacks'. Support with a hand and a knee on a bench, hold the dumbbell in your other hand. Keep your elbow high, the dumbbell is directly underneath. Then stretch your arm and slowly lower again. Keep your back straight and your stomach tightened.

Then I show you a 'Pulldown'. For this you need a pully, with a rod or other suitable handle. I think this double rope is ideal! Stand upright, one leg in front and one leg behind. Keep your arms in 90 degrees with your elbows next to your body, this is your starting position! Then push your hands down and let them come back to 90 degrees, no further! Only move your forearms, your elbows stay next to your body.

Then an exercise that is more difficult in terms of posture, the 'Pullover'. Grasp a rod (or dumbells) at shoulder width for your navel, hold your elbows at a 90 degree angle. Hold this angle in the elbows while you slowly move the bar in front of your chest until it reaches over your head. Now you move him back again. It is very important in this exercise that you keep your back straight!

Finally, as promised the hardcore version of the 'Dips'. You need a support for this, which can be found at almost every gym. Hang above the ground while resting with your hands on the handles. Drop through your elbows and push yourself up again.

My advice is to carry out one or two of these exercises per training session. Do them 3 x 15 repetitions with 30 seconds of rest in between. Use a weight that you can perform just 3 x 15 repetitions.

I hope you have had something about this explanation!

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