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The 5 Best Exercises For A Tricep Workouts At Home

Get rid of those "chicken fillets"! We want to get rid of those hanging bags under the arms and let's not start thinking about what it looks like when we start swinging. That is why we have developed a brand new tricep workouts at home for you! With these five exercises, you can now easily do the triceps workout at home. You will notice that you get a lot of muscle pain from these exercises but after a few times the triceps workout you have done you will see results quickly. And yes, who wants to be beautiful must suffer pain, right? There are a number of attributes that are useful to have with this triceps workout, but if you are a bit creative, of course, you do not have to.

1. Behind the back
The first exercise of the triceps workout is good for triceps, biceps, and shoulders. You need the fitness elastic for this exercise. Grasp both handles in one hand. Raise this arm and make sure your elbow points to the ceiling. Make sure that the middle piece of the elastic is covered on the other hand via the back. Make sure this hand rests in the middle of your back and the palm is pointing outwards. Then stretch the hand in which you hold the two handles upwards towards the ceiling. Make sure you keep a straight line when you extend this arm. Then retract the arm to the starting position. Keep this 30 seconds per arm.

2. Backward
This exercise for the triceps workout is good for triceps and biceps. You need two weights for this exercise. Stand upright with your feet under your hips. Lean forward with your upper body at a 45-degree angle from the floor. Make sure you keep your back straight and do not form a hollow or curved back. Bend your elbows to your waist so that the weights are a little higher than your chest. Stretch your arms backward from this initial position to slightly above your buttocks. Then go back to the starting position. Repeat for 60 seconds.

3. Sideways pushup
With this exercise, you work on your oblique abdominal muscles and the triceps. Lie on your side and lay the hand on the lower arm around the waist. The upper arm is placed next to your upper arm of the arm that lies around the waist. Your hand from the upper arm lies flat on the floor, the fingers point upwards and your elbow is seen at a 90-degree angle from your chest. Push yourself up with the upper arm to lift your shoulders and torso from the ground. Then come back to the starting position. Repeat this for 30 seconds per side.

4. Burning triceps
With this exercise, you mainly train the triceps and you need a fitness ball and the weights. Sit upright on the ball and your feet sit at a 90-degree angle on the ground. Hold one weight at the end with both hands. Stretch your arms above your head and hold the weight firmly with both hands. From this initial position, your arms will drop behind your back to an angle of 90 degrees. Then bring your arms back to the starting position. Repeat this exercise for 60 seconds.

5. Push-up
In these last exercises, you work on all the arm muscles and your waist/stomach muscles. You need both weights and a mat for this exercise. Hold both weights in both hands. Stand in a sticky position on your mat and still hold the weights in both hands. Lower your body to a small distance above the ground, hold for a moment, and press yourself up again. Then pull one arm in, with the weight of the hand, to chest height and stretch it backward. Pull the arm back in and put it down again and make a push-up movement again. When you come up again, you raise the arm the same way again but with the other arm. Repeat for 60 seconds.

These were the five exercises for a triceps workout ! You will definitely feel it the next day and this is exactly the intention. This triceps workout can easily be done at home.

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