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Standing Core Exercises For Seniors


Standing core exercises is essential to reduce the risk of falls and injuries for seniors, and therefore, it must be incorporated into regular workouts. Why is it important to carry abdominal muscles, especially for the seniors? A robust set of abdominal muscles helps to develop a strong core, which in turn helps in supporting the lower back.

As is usual, the problems of the lower back will lead to various problems and disorders of the body in general, and therefore it is recommended for the abdominal muscles. This way everything is connected and helps to maintain good health. Get these simple abdominal exercises seniors in the next section. The specialty of these exercises is that you can bring to completion, with the simplest of equipment without further preparation.

Oblique Crunch

  • Comfortable sitting on a chair so the feet of your feet are flat on the floor.
  • The back must be straight, but make sure it does not rest against the back.
  • Put your hands behind your ears. This is the starting point.
  • Begin to enter the abdominal muscles and turn on the left side with his right hand.
  • Approach the left and pull the left leg so that your right elbow and left knee touch.
  • Then back to the starting position and do the same on the other side.
  • Repeat 10 times on both sides.

Rest Curl

  • Sit on a bench or chair without a backup. Although there is a backup, one of her buttocks and back must be gone.
  • The feet must be on the floor.
  • Turn your core muscles and suck into your abdominal muscles.
  • Focus on keeping a straight back that does not bend the hips or shoulders.
  • Maintaining this position, breathe deeply and take back the head and back back. Just stop before touching your back.
  • Count up to five and gradually pulls.
  • Breathe out when they occur.
  • Do 10 repetitions of the same.

Turn the front

  • Go on your back and bend your knees so that the soles of your feet are flat on the floor.
  • Hold about two centimeters of space between your feet.
  • The head was comfortable on the floor and hands falling on the thighs placed.
  • Pull the nipple inch Imagine contact with the ground.
  • From this position, in both legs, so that they are about 5 cm from the ground.
  • Breathe deeply and raise your right hand on his head while bringing the left leg to the starting position.
  • Then turn sides and bring left and right leg in center.
  • Keep edges so that you have done 16 times on both sides.
  • Increase set 

How do you get strength.

Bicycle Crunch

  • Put on your back on a mat.
  • Place your hands on the back of the head and lift your shoulders about 3 centimeters from the bottom.
  • Keep a distance of about 4 centimeters between your chin and chest.
  • Bend your knees and raise them to walk parallel to the ground.
  • Now inhale and turn left. At the same time, stretch the right leg.
  • Keep a second and to the other side.
  • Continue alternating legs and pull your shoulders on both sides.
  • Turning on both sides is considered a whole.
  • Do 3 sets of 10 repetitions.

The best part of these abdominal exercises is that you can easily do it at home and with ease and comfort. Simple and effective, is not it?

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