Good leg workouts at home
Want to show your legs proudly? Then get started with good leg workouts. You can just carry them home and make your legs look pretty slim. Let's do it!
Good leg workouts to do at home
Training your legs can really be done anywhere. In the gym, the park (during your running round) or just at home. The good workouts can be found here! All leg exercises for home do you in sets of ten and that you repeat three times. Is this too light? Then do six repetitions. In addition to these leg exercises, we also work with our abilities , muscle exercises , back exercises and abdominal exercises .1. Single lunges It is one of the best known leg exercises: the lung. You can really do this exercise everywhere: at home, at the gym or just during your running round. Step forward with one leg as far as possible, hold your front knee over your ankle at an angle of 90 degrees. Keep your back straight and your chest forward and move so slowly up and down. Repeat it ten times and then change from leg. This is how you do three series. This exercise is also great for your buttocks. Let's go!
2. Jumping lunges
We're going to do the lunges again, but then jumping. You jump from a lung with your left leg to a lunges with your right leg back and forth. Repeat this in three series of ten. Let's work those legs!
3. Squat
It's the trend of this moment: squatten! And that's not without reason, because the squat exercise is incredibly effective to train your legs and legs. Keep your back straight, chest forward, head up and span belly, buttocks and legs. Then, keep your knees and keep your back still right (!). Do three series of ten squats.
4. Slow squat
We are going to do more squats, but now the slow squat. In this exercise, you further break your feet and start in the slow squat position. Then you move slightly up. Squatting but!
5. Sliding squat
Another variation on the squat: the sliding squats. Put your feet apart and then lower down. From this position we will slide left and right.
6. Sumo squat
And yes, we're going to squat again! Now the sumo squat, where you - as you recommend it - will be like a sumo wrestler. This means that your feet are far apart and you tend to go outside. We will put your leg muscles back to work!
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