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Shoulder Workouts For Mass

Shoulder Workouts For Mass

Everyone wants wider shoulders! You can impress your friends with big shoulders. You can get more bench press. Shoulders have a magical appeal to men and women. Big shoulders give a body the illusion of power.


There are many ways to train your shoulders. For example, you can do anything with machines, or anything with dumbbells. You can also choose to stop all basic exercises with a barbell (big halter) in your training and leave the specific exercises to the others. I choose to use a combination of all three types of shoulder exercises in my workouts. All exercises have their own pros and cons, and in my opinion, doing many different exercises in your workouts is the way to get full development.

In this article I will discuss some of the most important exercises for your shoulders and give you an example schedule.


It is almost impossible to train all shoulder muscles with one exercise with evenly distributed intensity. This is due to the different placement of the muscles and their movement possibilities. Every shoulder exercise that you perform will appeal to a particular part of the muscle group.

For example, if you do military presses, most of the front shoulders - deltoidal anterior - will do the most work. Do the same with the halter behind your neck (not recommended by the rather dangerous attitude), then the force is distributed more across the front and the side.

In principle, you can train your shoulders with three exercises, two if needed. However, I prefer four exercises, and divide the number of sets about those exercises.

How many sets do you need now? I hold it about eight to twelve sets. This gives you two to three sets per exercise so you can really focus on the exercise and the effect on your muscles. I repeat the number of repetitions (reps) eight to twelve.


I have not built my length for most machines - or is it the other way around? - so I prefer to work with loose weights, especially for my shoulders. I can recommend this to anyone. A machine always takes a piece of exercise: control over weight. For optimal muscle development you will need this.

In principle, my ideal shoulder training consists of a combination of presses and laterals. Presses mainly because you build a lot of strength, lateral to best imitate the right shoulder movements.

I usually do one press exercise and two lateral raises. Furthermore, I would like to add an upright row variation.

Here are the four exercises that I use most in my shoulder tutorials, plus a few variations on these exercises:


Military Press This is the basic exercise for the shoulders, as bank pressures are a basic exercise for your chest. Military Presses are good for building a lot of shoulders, with emphasis on the front of the muscle group.

The military press is, in fact, a very simple exercise, but is - like most other exercises at the gym - potentially dangerous when it is not performed properly.

The standard military press is being carried out, but from the point of view of safety, the military press can also be taken. The advantage of the seated version is the support of your back that you get when you put the backrest of the bench almost straight forward.

The performance of the standard military press is as follows: Grasp the barbell with your hands on something wider than shoulder width
  • Bring the barbell to the chest
  • Put your feet on shoulder width next to each other and bend your knees slightly
  • Now push the halter straight up your face (watch your nose!) Until your arms are stretched
  • Drop the barbell back to your chest
To make sure your back is protected, you should wear a good weight lift belt. This ensures that your upper body stays right without too much stress on your lower back.

When doing the exercise, make sure that the backrest of your bench is at a degree or eighty (almost straight up). If the handrail is too straight you can not lean back with your back. Also, make sure your feet stand forward with your legs bent at a 90 degree angle. This also reduces stress on your back, but is definitely needed to keep your body stable.

Do not use much weight, how tempting it is! You can better take less weight and do the exercise well. Your shoulders are very sensitive to injuries (which I have already encountered ...).

Do not presses behind the neck, so barbell presses behind your head! Your shoulders are turned in an injury-sensitive position. Many athletes have already encountered the problems.

Good alternatives to the military press are the dumbbell press and the Arnold press.


Barbell Upright Row Do you really want wider shoulders? Then it is important to develop the side of the muscle group optimally!

Many athletes think this is mainly a sideward movement like side lateral raises. Even though you directly appeal to the muscle, it is mainly a finisher, or an exercise to clear the muscle after you have worked hard.

A very good exercise to build the side of your shoulders is Wide-Grip Upright Rows. Most people do upright rows with their hands close together, but that trains mostly trapezius. When your hands on shoulder width hold the weight, the side of your shoulder is especially trained.

Concentration is all; When doing an exercise, focus on the muscle you want to develop. This certainly applies to wide-grip upright rows. Concentrate on the sides of your motion while trying to put as much stress as possible.

Although this is an exercise where you can use a lot of weight, you should pay particular attention to the correct performance. Shoulders grow best if you train them properly, even if you use less weight than you can get up if you use extra muscle strength.

The wide-grip upright row is quite simple to perform:
  • Use a barbell or an EZ curl bar. The latter puts less power on your wrists
  • Grab the halter with hands on shoulder width
  • Put your feet on shoulder width next to each other and bend your knees slightly
  • Roll your shoulders forward and keep them there
  • Now pull the halter up to your chin, while your elbows stay the highest point of your arms
  • Hold down and lower the weight
The wide-grip upright row is a very good exercise to get a lot of mass on your shoulders, provided you keep the right execution. If you do it wrong, you can cause a lot of damage to your shoulders.

A very good alternative for wide-grip upright rows with a barbell or EZ curl bar is the practice with dumbbells. Also keep the dumbbells on shoulder width. With dumbbells you can put the stress on your sides much more focused.


Lateral Raises are very suitable for training specific muscles in the shoulders muscle group. With a simple adjustment of your hand, you can move the tension to another part of a muscle.

Lateral raises his exercises after the heavy exercises. Your shoulders need mass, and lateral raises can not use enough weight to develop that heavy mass. However, the various types of lateral raises are indispensable to shape your shoulders so that they do not appear to consist of a large amount of muscle. These can be done by following the separate movements of the three shoulders, something you can not do with just a big halter.

You can work out the side of your shoulders with Side Lateral Raises. Side lateral raises follow the function of your deltoid lateralis - the side thus - completely: raise your arms laterally.

I do side lateral raises most preferably sitting. You can do the exercise very precisely when you sit, and you can hardly use the rest of your body to help your shoulders grow up.

The seated site lateral raise - if done well - is not a simple exercise:
  • Sit at the end of a bench with your feet on shoulder width and bend your legs at a 90 degree angle
  • Grab two dumbbells and let you hang parallel to your body
  • Roll your shoulders forward and keep them there
  • Now lift both arms sideways, with your palms pointing straight down! Keep your elbows higher than your hands throughout the exercise
  • If you point your upper arms straight, stop the movement
  • Hold this position for a moment and lower the weight
You need to look for the right position of your upper body to make the most of the exercise. I've noticed that the tension on your sides becomes much bigger if your upper body is bent slightly forward during the exercise. Your shoulders are then in a better position to tighten your muscles properly.

Variations are the standing side lateral raise and the one-arm lateral raise. It is always good to replace exercises - temporarily - with other movements. Your muscles will always be able to process another stress, which will keep them growing.


This is usually the last exercise I do for shoulders. You will often see that few people have a good development of the back shoulder muscles - the deltoid medialist. You can see that right when you see these people from the side; The back of the shoulders is then flat.

It's not a hard muscle to develop - in my case at least - but you need to do the exercises very well to grow the muscles.

The disadvantage of training the deltoidal medialist is that you almost always have to overcome this because the muscle movement requires this. The rear shoulder muscles move the arms straight to the back when you keep the arms aside as with a cross.

The medialis is also handled well when you do chin-ups with the rod behind your head, or at the back of pulldowns behind your neck. Here too, the implementation is of great importance; If you do not perform the exercise properly, so if you do not move your shoulder blades to one another, your back will not grow, but your medialist will not grow!

You can sit, sit and lie down the Bent Lateral Raises. I prefer the standing version because I feel the best of my medialist. The only disadvantage of standing out of the exercise is the fact that your stomach is quite compressed because you are bent ... You quickly get through your breath.

The standing is lateral raise is not a simple exercise either:
  • Put your feet on shoulder width next to each other and bend your knees slightly
  • Grab two dumbbells and let you hang parallel to your body
  • Bend forward until your upper body is almost parallel to the floor
  • Now raise both arms side up in a 90 degree angle with your upper body, with your palms pointing straight down! Also keep your elbows above your hands throughout the exercise
  • If you point your upper arms straight, stop the movement
  • Hold this position for a moment and lower the weight
It is very important to point your arms straight aside during the exercise. You see a lot of people moving their arms backwards, which yields a much less training for your shoulders.

You can do the lateral raise also sitting at the end of a bench, or lying on a low incline bench.


A good beginner training for the shoulders is as follows:
  • Seated Military Presses: 3 x 12
  • Wide-Grip Upright Rows: 3 x 12
  • Standing Bent Lateral Raises: 3 x 12

For example, advanced training for the shoulders is as follows:
  • Standing Military Presses: 3 x 12
  • Seated Side Lateral Raises: 3 x 12
  • Wide-Grip Upright Rows: 3 x 12
  • Incline Bent Lateral Raises: 3 x 12
Your shoulders are important for your overall appearance. Train them heavily, but stay careful. Do not overdo it! Do not forget that the shoulders are also trained if you do other exercises, such as bank statements and late pulldowns. Once a week a good shoulder training is really enough!

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