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Leg Workouts For Mass

Leg Workouts For Mass

Because my legs have always been very thin and I have not trained my legs from the beginning to make a good grip on the rest of my body. It starts to look like something but still not how I want it. Train my legs in my blog I told you that when I can train my legs twice a week, this helps me! Your nutrition remains the most important in getting mass but of course the right training.

My practice training this week:

Exercise 1: Squat (5 sets of 12, 10, 10, 8 and 8 repetitions)

[Add weight to each set]

This exercise knows everyone but remains the most important exercise for me. Move far enough down, you do not manage to train too heavy! Your last set does not have to be perfect, but make sure your first sets are properly executed, otherwise you will not fully load the correct muscles. Pull slowly, and come explosively but checked up.

The first exercises I do are the hardest. I know this because you can use all your energy to carry out these exercises as well as possible. At least, at the end of my training, I can no longer squat the weight I do at the beginning of my workout.
Exercise 2: Walking lunges (4 sets of 10 repetitions per leg, so 20 steps)

[Add weight to each set]

At Fit for Free we have the nice core bags that you can use but if they do not have this at your gym you can of course also use a barbell or dumbbells. Exercise the exercise and you will feel the front of your thighs after these two exercises!

Now I've had the hardest exercises for my quadriceps and we continue with the hamstrings.
Exercise 3: Stiff leg deadlift (5 sets of 12, 10, 10, 8 and 8 repetitions)

[Add weight to each set]

A variant of the usual deadlift. With the usual deadlift you bend your knees, but with this you keep your legs as stretched as possible. The effect of this is that you get your strength out of your hamstrings, which makes it very heavy for you. Take good care of your attitude, therefore, a straight back is very important to prevent injuries. If you do not get your back straight, train yourself too heavily, a halter strap can help you with this.
Exercise 4: Hyperextensions (5 sets of 10 repetitions, 5 with plate or pole and 5 without)

Grab a plate or a bar of weight that allows you to perform the first 5 repetitions correctly, as heavily as possible. Make the first 5 repetitions of your set by weight, lay it down and then do 5 repetitions without weight. Make sure that the performance of this exercise is explosive but controlled.

Now we have had two exercises for the quads and two exercises for the hamstrings. Now we're going to push another super set to give the muscles another great pump for maximum results!
Exercises 5 & 6: Superset: Leg extensions & Leg curls (both exercises 5 sets of 10 repetitions)

[Add weight to each set]

These are the only devices I use during my training but with these two devices, you can easily isolate the quads and hamstrings. I started the leg extension. Make sure you keep your back firmly against the backrest and keep your toes up, not forward! Bring your legs explosively but checked up, hold them for a second and slowly lower them. After this exercise you go straight ahead with the leg curl. Be sure to sit back against the backrest with your back. Pull the legs with an explosive motion and hold them for a second. Then let them go back slowly. I do not take a rest in between, I perform the 10 sets immediately after each other for a maximum pump.

At the moment, I'm walking through the gym as an old man, and I realize that the calves are still in turn. You can train the calves in many different ways, but this week I used the leg press.
Exercises 7, 8 & 9: Calf Raises; Reguler, inner & outer (All exercises 3 sets of 12 repetitions)

Calves are difficult, so they work well along all sides to stimulate growth. By raising the 3 different ways of calf after each other, you give the calves a complete pump, which means they have to grow! Do the exercise as heavily as possible, but make sure you fully extend and turn back completely. If this does not work you train too heavy.

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