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Bicep Workouts For Men

The summer has long gone and it has happened with the short sweaters. Sleeveless or not, there is no reason to take it easy with your biceps training. Because the 'poor' season is all year long! But what are the 5 best exercises for bigger biceps? In this article you will find 5 tips to work on your arms.

1.Preacher Curls

Bicep Workouts For Men
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Preacher curls, better known as the Scott Curls, are named after Larry Scott, the first (and double) Mr. Olympia winner of 1965 and 1966 ... whose arms had a size of 50cm!

Say yourself now ... How many men do you see with such arms in the gym?

Scott had clearly found something, his abnormal arm development being due to a diligent preacher curls routine.

Through Scotts preacher curls, the biceps could be completely isolated and greatly enhanced the brachial muscle. The brachialis is the muscle just below the biceps that effectively push the muscles in your upper arm to give your arms more scope.

Contrary to what is generally thought, some body movement is acceptable. Try to lean backwards the next time you lower the weight and a little bit forward when you bring the bar up to your chin. This technique makes for a greater stretch and tension of the biceps, which makes the exercise much heavier .... But more effective.

2.Incline Seated Dumbbell Curls

Bicep Workouts For Men
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This tool in our gold top 5 biceps exercises, stretches the biceps like no other move. The inclined seated dumbbell curl uses the ratio of longitudinal stress, which results in powerful, growth-stimulating muscle contraction.

Because of the position of the elbow (back and body), the outer, long head of the biceps (which just extends beyond the shoulder joint) does the most work. You want to focus on the long head of the biceps, as this is the most visible! Or you need to have a double biceps pose at every step of the foot.

It is worth mentioning that the bench must be raised to 45 ° using the lower angles, which increases the elasticity, but also reduces the risk of injury, which causes an inflammation of the tendon Can cause the long head. This can also be the case when too heavy weights are used, with this inflammation often seen as a shoulder pain.

3.Supinated Dumbbell Curls

Bicep Workouts For Men
If you train for maximum growth, your workout must be based on the physiological function of the muscle to be exercised. In the case of the biceps, this means not only that you have to curl the elbows (curling), but also the wrist (spinning up the palm) - and therefore we prefer the dumbbells than the halter exercises. When using a halter, wrists remain in the same position throughout the movement, which makes rotation impossible.

Supinated curls are now no secret, unfortunately there are many athletes who still have difficulty in having a good attitude in this exercise. First of all, your wrist must be fully popped (palms pointing upwards), flat until the forearm and biceps reach 90 degrees. To make sure the wrist is fully pinned on this point - note your pink, turn it in as far as possible. This ensures full supination and optimal muscle fiber reinforcement.

To make sure that the short inner head of the biceps gets more stimulus during this movement, you can use the offset grip; Placing your hand as far as you can on the outside of the trade of the dumbbell, with the thumb touching the weight plates.

4.Concentration Curls

Bicep Workouts For Men
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Concentration curls are often an underestimated exercise that is believed to make it more the biceps peak than adds size. Actually, the shape of the biceps is genetically determined - every man can get bigger arms ... but it depends on Mother Nature whether they are as flat as a dime or as big as a mountain.

Nevertheless, concentration curls is a great exercise to form the long outer head of the biceps and to isolate the muscle. The reason for this is that with concentration curls do not take your shoulders away to get away from it.

But how can another light weight, isolation movement create mass?

Let me talk about another power lifter from the 1970's ... David Shaw ... whose arms were 53 cm in size. Guess what his favorite biceps exercise was ... the concentration curl! Isolated or not, it is said that Shaw performed 100 lbs dumbbells with 5 repetitions in this movement!

Important to think when performing the concentration curls is a good attitude of the elbow, it should be on the inside of the thigh rather than above (common mistake).

If you notice that you do not get the dumbbell all the way down without touching the floor, simply lift your heels up - at the same time make sure you do not overlap your biceps. Because this can lead to injuries.

5.Barbell Curls

Bicep Workouts For Men
*lmage source:
This exercise does not require an introduction - as it is known as an apple egg! It seems that barbell curls are the ultimate mass builder. Despite that, the barbell curl is ranked 5th in the list .... Why?

The Barbell curl is one of the best general mass builder, simply because they take a large part of the muscle groups, just to stabilize the body. This can be perfectly illustrated when you see someone who uses more weight than they can normally .... and instead of curling the bar with the biceps, they end up being curled by the bar itself!

For this reason barbell curls are an important arm exercise, but they isolate and involve the biceps not as strong as the preacher and incline or concentration curls (as shown by electromyography).

Having said this, the barbell curls have an advantage because you can easily ... smuggle! Using your hips and the momentum to get the bar does not look so beautiful, but it's very effective to get your arms bigger because you can have more weight in that way (than normal) in a negative phase Of the movement. This causes the biggest micro-damage to the muscle fibers.

Nevertheless, smuggled curls can easily lead to injury if you are not careful! Personally, I recommend that you do this as the last of your workout, then the biceps are pre-worked and warmed warmly.

Pay attention to a stable foot position and keep your core tight by weighting your legs and hips and not your skirt, do not let the bar fall on your quads! The key is a slow, controlled eccentric phase of motion - take 3-4 seconds to lower the bar with the tension in your biceps.

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